While new Windows no longer have hearts, which is a real shame, I might add, you can still learn the game and play it with your friends. The game of hearts is fast-paced and quite exciting once you figure it out. When you actually learn hearts rules and know what’s going on, it’s a very entertaining game that you can spend hours playing.
I decided to learn how to play hearts after I got tired of trying to figure it out on my own and kept losing to the computer. It was one of several games that came with the operating system, and it was the one that the fewest people knew how to play. Trying this can be a somewhat risky move, since if another player gets just one of the hearts you will end up with lots of points.If you remember good, old PCs featuring Windows XP, you probably remember the game of hearts as well. If you get ALL the penalty cards (thirteen hearts and the Queen of Spades) then you get zero points and all other players get 26 points each. Back to 'shooting the moon.' Typically it is not good to get penalty cards, but there is a circumstance where it can hugely benefit you.If points are over 100 and there are 2 or more equal with the fewest points then play will continue until there is only one clear winner. When one of the players reaches at least 100 points then the game is finished, and the player with the least number of points is the winner. After all cards have been played, the penalty points are counted and the player with the smallest number of points wins that particular hand.In the first round you may not play a heart or the queen of spades, even if you do not possess any card in the suit of the starting card.In some versions of game Hearts you cannot play the Queen of Spades until hearts has been broken, but in this variation you can always play the queen of spades and it doesn't break hearts. If it is your turn to lead and no hearts have been played thus far, you cannot select a heart as the card to play. You may not lead a trick with hearts until hearts has been played on another suit (aka 'broken').

Try to avoid these unless you are shooting the moon which we'll touch on later. Any penalty cards (any hearts or queen of spades) the trick are added to the player's penalty score. This means he or she takes the 4 cards on the table and starts the next turn. Once 4 cards have been played, the player who played the highest ranking card takes the trick. If not, they can play any of their other cards. If they have a card in the same suit as the first card then that suit must be played.Then each of the players each plays one card. Each turn begins with one player laying a single card, which is called 'leading.' That card's suit determines the suit of the trick.The player who has the 2 of clubs at the beginning leads in the first hand, and that player has to lead with the 2 of clubs.For the third game you pass straight across the table and in the 4th game you keep your cards and do not pass any. Then, in the following game you pass to your opponent on the right. The opponent which you pass to varies (we'll handle that part for you), you start by passing to the opponent on your left.

Typically it's best to pass your three worst cards to try and get rid of them. You'll then select three cards when the game begins to pass to one of the opponents.